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American Academy of Periodontology

18AAP-FCE02: Utilizing Facilitated Orthodontics to Enhance Tooth Replacement and Dento-Facial Harmony

18AAP-FCE02: Utilizing Facilitated Orthodontics to Enhance Tooth Replacement and Dento-Facial Harmony

Sunday, Oct. 28
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Program Track: Interdisciplinary Therapy
Moderators: Tomoko Takeda and Saynur Vardar-Sengul 
Speakers: Rebecca Bockow, Marianna Evans, and Satoru Urano

The relationship among pathologic breathing, facial skeletal hypoplasia, and alveolar bone deficiencies eventually lead to functional and esthetic dento-facial problems. Perio-Ortho solutions together may facilitate the process to create harmony in achieving function and esthetic long term by enhancing and facilitating tooth movement process. This concept can be used bi-directionally to increase periodontal health as well as orthodontic tooth movement.

Educational Objectives:
• Learn the concept of guided facial growth as the key to optimal airway and periodontal and occlusal health.
• Explain the skeletal growth and development as diagnostic and treatment planning tools in interdisciplinary care.
• Describe how alveolar bone decortications and periodontal regenerative procedures can allow for wider range of tooth movements, thereby preventing alveolar bone deficiencies.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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