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American Academy of Periodontology

18AAP-FCE06: The Full-Arch Implant Supported Restoration: What a Periodontist Should Know

18AAP-FCE06: The Full-Arch Implant Supported Restoration: What a Periodontist Should Know

Sunday, Oct. 28
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Program Track: Emerging Concepts and Innovative Therapies
Moderator: Thiago Morelli
Speaker: Ricardo Mitrani

The patient population requiring full-arch implant supported restorations is staggering in this day and age. The reality is that there is so much to consider when choosing between the different implant solutions available that there are common communication gaps between the treating team. This may frequently lead the treating teams to utilize a “one-size-fits-all” approach, that in many instances, does not fit all.

The need for decision trees/treatment planning algorithms that involve all pertinent aspects is fundamental in order to choose the most suitable solution for a given patient.

Educational Objectives:
• Describe what treatment options are available for patients with terminal dentition or those who are already edentulous.
• Learn a linear process to formulate the ideal treatment plan based on the patient´s condition, desire, and finances.
• Optimize communication between the treating team: restorative dentist, surgeon, and technician.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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