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American Academy of Periodontology

18AAP-FCE12: The Winners Circle: Clinical and Research Showcase

18AAP-FCE12: The Winners Circle: Clinical and Research Showcase

Monday, Oct. 29
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Moderator: Eboné Jordan 
Sukirth Ganesan 
2016 Balint Orban Memorial Program Winner - Clinical Science Category 
Juan C. Rodriguez 
2016 Balint Orban Memorial Program Winner - Basic Science Category 
Luciana M. Safioti 
2016 Research Forum Poster Competition Winner 
Julie Sutton 
2016 Research Forum Poster Competition Winner 

Investigations in the science of periodontology inform the next generation of clinical decisions and laboratory exploration. Promising findings in research explorations in turn help inspire innovations for clinical applications. This course will highlight some of the recent awardwinning investigations, providing a sneak peak into future directions for discovery and development.

Educational Objectives: 
• Explain the relationship between implant surface titanium degradation and its potential role in peri-implantitis. 
• Recognize the importance of targeted gene therapy in enhancing periodontal bone and tissue formation and maturation. 
• Identify a biologically-validated time point for periodontal therapy during smoking cessation based on the shift over time in functional characteristics of the subgingival microbiome. 
• Comprehend the negative impact of secondhand tobacco smoke and non-traditional routes of nicotine exposure (e.g., e-cigarettes) on the periodontal health of non-smoking adults.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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