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American Academy of Periodontology

18AAP-FCE19: Predictable Periodontal Surgery Outcomes: Flap Designs, Defect Management, and Wound Closure

18AAP-FCE19: Predictable Periodontal Surgery Outcomes: Flap Designs, Defect Management, and Wound Closure

Tuesday, Oct. 30
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Program Track: Treatment of Periodontal Diseases and Peri-Implant Diseases  
Moderators: Flavia Q. Pirih and Takahiro Taniguchi
Speakers: Tetsuya Mizukami and Shaun A. Rotenberg

Periodontal surgery is constantly evolving giving clinicians a multitude of means by which to regenerate the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. Therefore, there is a need to appropriately choose treatment procedures and strategies. This course will discuss surgical methods that combine the benefits of flap design techniques and regenerative materials to provide effective and predictable results for the most common surgical situations encountered by a periodontist. This course will empower the clinician to make decisions that will lead to effective and predictable results.

Educational Objectives:
• Recognize the goals of technique selection.
• Discuss the characteristics, benefits, and limitations of flap design, including anatomic factors.
• Identify techniques and regenerative materials to provide effective and predictable results.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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