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American Academy of Periodontology

18AAP-GS04: Management of Deficiencies in the Esthetic Zone: Bone Reconstruction vs. the Prosthetic Alternative “Interface Planning"

18AAP-GS04: Management of Deficiencies in the Esthetic Zone: Bone Reconstruction vs. the Prosthetic Alternative “Interface Planning"

Tuesday, Oct. 30
8 - 10 a.m.

Program Track: Tissue Engineering and Hard Tissue Reconstruction
Moderator: Alan Rosenfeld
Speakers: David A. Garber, Sascha Jovanovic, and Craig M. Misch

Bone deficiencies in the esthetic zone continue to be one of the most challenging dilemmas confronting interdisciplinary management of implant supported restorations. Correction of horizontal and vertical deficiencies is critical to achieving both esthetic and functional prosthetic outcomes. However, regenerative and reconstructive surgery has benefits, risks, and cost considerations which can influence treatment decisions. On the other hand, a prosthetic alternative “interface planning” can become an integral part of esthetic implant dentistry.

Educational Objectives:
• Assess treatment dilemmas associated with management of deficiencies in the esthetic zone.
• Recognize the critical surgical details of GBR and autogenous block bone grafting in the deficient anterior maxilla.
• Explain the value of cross-disciplinary “interface planning” as a prosthetic alternative to bone reconstruction.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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