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American Academy of Periodontology

18AAP-IP02: Innovations in Periodontics Session 2

18AAP-IP02: Innovations in Periodontics Session 2

Sunday, Oct. 28
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Program Track: Implant Surgery and Prosthetic Rehabilitation
Moderators: Caitlin Darcey and Takumi Umemura
Wilhelm Bellaiza-Cantillo – 3-D Soft Tissue Augmentation for Immediate Loading in Post-extraction Implants
Kiyonobu Saburi – New Approaches in Interdisciplinary Dentofacial Therapy: Bony Architecture Correction
Hanae Saito – Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization: Impact of Platform Switching

This session will address innovations and advances in clinical periodontics, basic science, or related subjects. Each speaker will give a 15-minute presentation on a specific topic, followed by a five-minute question-and-answer period. Speakers are selected by a blind review of abstracts submitted to the Academy.

Educational Objectives:
• Gain knowledge of innovations and advances in clinical periodontics, basic sciences, or related subjects. 
• Explain a new concept, technique or product use to take back your practice.

Regular price $49.00 USD
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