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American Academy of Periodontology

19AAP-AAPF01: Future Horizons in Periodontology: Emerging Topics in Periodontal and Regenerative Sciences

19AAP-AAPF01: Future Horizons in Periodontology: Emerging Topics in Periodontal and Regenerative Sciences

Monday, 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. East, 352 

Moderators: Praveen Gajendrareddy and Hector F. Rios 

Speakers, Presentation Titles, and Educational Objectives: 


Praveen Gajendrareddy 

Functionally Activated Exosomes in Regenerative Medicine 

Educational Objectives: 

Evaluate existing regenerative strategies and understand the challenges involved. 

Provide insights into the properties of MSC derived exosomes and how they may be utilized and exploited for improving tissue engineering strategies. 

Discuss the use of engineered exosomes as an alternative to growth factors to induce/enhance tissue regeneration. 


Shaoping Zhang 

Using Patient’s Biological and Clinical Data to Improve Precision Periodontology 

Educational Objectives: 

Explain how a genome-wide association study identifies biologically relevant genetic variants associated with periodontitis. 

Identify how periodontal profile classification improves the risk prediction of incident diabetes. 


Patricia Miguez 

Modulation of Bone Homeostasis by Short Polysaccharides and Implications in Periodontitis 

Educational Objectives: 

Review the current evidence on heparin and low molecular weight heparin/heparan sulfate-like molecules (LMWH) in bone homeostasis. 

Describe state-of-the-art fabrication process of LMWH molecules to ensure consistency of the final product for future clinical application. 

Explore a specific LMWH polysaccharide signature in modulation of bacteria-induced bone resorption. 

Regular price $49.00 USD
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