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American Academy of Periodontology

19AAP-FCE09: Using Digital Workflow for Planned Reconstruction

19AAP-FCE09: Using Digital Workflow for Planned Reconstruction

Monday, 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. East, 253 A 

Tissue Engineering and Hard Tissue Reconstruction 

Moderator: George V. Duello 

Speakers: Peter Barndt and Matthew B. B. Miller 

Educational Objectives: 

  • Recognize the efficiency of digital wax-ups for diagnosis and treatment planning of implant rehabilitations. 
  • Discuss how the extensive options for pre-surgical prosthetics can be designed and manufactured based on planned implant position. 
  • Explain how intraoral scanning facilitates post-surgical prosthetics for immediate, delayed, or conventional implant loading protocols. 
  • Gain familiarity with the restorative and surgical roles in a comprehensive digital workflow. 
  • Discuss patient treatment factors that influence the selection of navigation or mechanical guides for guided implant placement. 
Regular price $49.00 USD
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