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American Academy of Periodontology

19AAP-FCE10: Thinking Out of the Box: Comparison of Various Surgical Approaches for the Enhancement of Soft Tissue Grafts Outcome

19AAP-FCE10: Thinking Out of the Box: Comparison of Various Surgical Approaches for the Enhancement of Soft Tissue Grafts Outcome

Monday, 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. East, 253 B 

Periodontal Plastic and Soft Tissue Surgery 

Moderator: Joan Otomo-Corgel 

Speakers: Lourdes Ann Christopher, Jonathan H. Do, and Amar Katranji 

Educational Objectives: 

  • Consider apical tunnel approach for soft tissue grafting in full-arch cases as a quicker, less invasive option for patients, while understanding the limitations and pitfalls of apical tunnel approach and when to consider it as the best technique for soft tissue grafts. 
  • Identify how a lateral tunnel approach would ease/facilitate tunneling and graft insertion, while minimizing tissue trauma. 
  • Gain an alternative to current techniques for achieving root coverage in full-arch or multiple-teeth gingival recession and thin biotype cases with exceptional long-term results. 
  • Demonstrate how surgical outcomes can be enhanced by modifying existing materials and techniques and also with enhancements using biologics, lasers, and homeopathic supplements. 
Regular price $49.00 USD
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