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American Academy of Periodontology

19AAP-GS04: Management of Surgical Complications Via Soft Tissue Grafts

19AAP-GS04: Management of Surgical Complications Via Soft Tissue Grafts

Tuesday, 8 – 10 a.m. Arie Crown Theater 

Periodontal Plastic and Soft Tissue Surgery 

Moderator: Diego Velásquez 

Speakers: Rino Burkhardt, Rodrigo Neiva, Istvan Urban, and Giovanni Zucchelli 

Educational Objectives: 

  • Recognize how to diagnose and manage soft tissue complications. 
  • Explain the rationale for phenotype modification. 
  • Review the surgical principles, optimal timing, and choice of soft tissue graft of the reconstruction of the vestibule and keratinized tissue after ridge augmentation. 
  • Describe why a microsurgical approach can improve and accelerate wound healing. 
Regular price $49.00 USD
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