Wednesday, January 20 | 8:00 - 9:00 AM
Location: South 229
Format: Innovation Session
Level of Content: Intermediate
Appropriate for: Designers, Architects, Engineers & Planners, Single Family - All, Young Professionals
Track(s): Building Science, Performance & Systems
Moderator(s): Glenn Renner, HomeSphere, Lakewood, CO
Mollie Carmichael, John Burns Real Estate Consulting, Irvine, CA |
Chris Klein, Rachio, Denver, CO |
John Webster, Lennox, Richardson, TX
What It’s About:
Google's purchase of Nest in 2014 unleashed a stream of new products from top companies such as Apple, Samsung and Home Depot all aimed at making our homes more connected. Twenty percent of homeowners now use at least one automated feature in their homes, and the majority wants their next home to be "smart." The connected home will fundamentally change our industry – are you prepared to meet the demand for these products and systems? In this unique session, presenters will guide you through hands-on demos of the most sought after home automation products our industry has to offer. You’ll explore the state of home technology, what customers value and are willing to pay for and how you can begin integrating these systems in your projects.
What You'll Learn:
Explore adoption rates of and consumer research on the technology that today's buyer will pay to have.
Demonstrate and understand the most sought-after connected products and systems on the market and how they can be used in current and future projects.
Discover technology on the leading-edge and how it can be applied to future planning.
Continuing Education: NAHB - 1.00 CE hour(s), NKBA - 0.1 CEU(s)