10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Las Vegas Convention Center, North 260, Level II
Track: Construction Codes & Standards
Continuing Education: NAHB – 1 hour, AIA - 1 LU hour
Level: Intermediate
Advanced Framing, also known as Optimum Value Engineering (OVE), is the name given to a set of techniques used in wood frame construction that relies on framing members stacked directly over each other at all levels from roof to foundation at greater than
16” on center spacing. Advanced Framing also includes practices such as single top plate wall construction, ladder junctions at wall intersections, two-stud wall corners and right-sized headers to eliminate all redundant studs, headers, blocking and bridging.
Through a variety of case studies, this session will review how advanced framing techniques are implemented in construction, and show how they eliminate unnecessary lumber, reduce construction costs, promote energy efficiency and maximize
insulation value. You will also learn how implementing advanced framing techniques can contribute towards obtaining green building certification.
Robert Clark, APA The Engineered Wood Assn, Dundee, MI