[Audio] Be the Advocate of MDRT - MDRTの継承者へ

Japanese On Demand Session

MDRT members must have commitment and must give back to the organization. It took Yamasaki six years to qualify, but his 11 years of membership have changed his life. Not only did he become a member of MDRT, he is now more involved and serving for MDRT. To his surprise, his services to MDRT give him valuable experiences and the opportunity to meet great peers. He shares his marketing techniques as well as sales ideas learned along the way so you too can prosper and serve your organization.

MDRTへの「恩返し」、そしてメンバーとしての「覚悟」。初登録まで6年間もかかった存在が、 MDRTメンバーになって11年間。 MDRTをメンバーとしてだけではなく運営メンバーのひとりとして携わり得た「経験」や「仲間」。実践しているマーケティングやセールスアイディアを添えて皆さまにシェアさせて頂きます。

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