[Audio] Go Fast Alone or Far Together; Goal Setting Will Never be the Same Again!; The Key to Unlocking Everyone’s Unique Abilities in a Firm

MDRT Speaks Session

If you make the most out of your MDRT Annual Meeting experience by connecting with other members and getting involved with things like PGA or the MDRT Foundation — or even just introducing yourself to someone new — you will likely go much farther than you could go by yourself. Brimmer explains why these connections with other members have been key to her development as an advisor.


Are you tired of setting goals the same way year after year? Xue-Fen Hoi shares how incorporating the Whole Person concept into your goal-setting process can transform your life and lead to newfound happiness.


Discover how a year of weekly sessions helped create newfound understanding about how each leader in a business could drive its evolution. Clairmont explains how extended introspection and sharing with his partners led to individual growth and new opportunities for the business to make a global impact.