[Audio] The Road to Court of the Table Production

Cantonese Focus Session

Monday Session

Yuen Man Lung shares his journey to higher production. Utilizing the concepts of critical disease, office theory, review and outlook, and the importance of sharing, he believes anyone who is exposed to these ideas can achieve greater success.
Yuen Man Lung 分享他獲得更高業績的心路歷程。透過運用危疾、辦公室理論、回顧與展望,以及分享之重要性等概念,他相信每個接觸到這些概念的人都能取得更大成就。

Speaker Bio

Yuen Man Lung Dragon entered the industry in May, 2013. Present academic qualifications include: LUTCF, RFC, QRA. He is a branch manager and has a wife and two sons. His motto is: You don't need to be great to get started, but you need to begin in order to be great.
Yuen Man Lung Dragon 在 2013 年 5 月入行。 現有學歷包括:LUTCF、RFC、QRA。他是分行經理,已婚,並育有兩子。 他的格言是: 您不需要是偉大的人才能開始,但您須要開始,才能成為偉大的人。
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