Constructing a 5.1 Home Studio for Film, TV Mixing


Roger Guerin, - Ste. Adele, QC, Canada
Jean-Luc Louradour, Resonance TJL Inc - Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Used to be a freelance mixer would come up to a mixing stage and after an hour or so he had a good take on the environment and was able to work. The room was calibrated, the equipment was serviced by trained personnel, and at least one resourceful assistant was available. Today everyone is looking to cut corners, the trained personnel has left, the calibration “was done two weeks ago,” and the resourceful assistant has moved on. Thankfully the technology made giant leaps over the years, like the record business, with home recording; it's more and more viable to convert that extra room or garage into a mixing stage. This tutorial will demonstrate the ins and outs of a basic home mixing stage making use of off-the-rack materials with economical and ingenious solutions.

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