Future Horizons in Periodontology: Emerging Concepts in Inflammation: Future Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications

1 Hour 47 Minutes

Monday Session, 10:15–11:45 a.m.

Moderators: Praveen Gajendrareddy and Hector Rios

Julio Carrion – Role of Inflammation on Tissue Engineering and Regeneration
Roger Arce – Exploring the Effects of PathogenDifferentiated Dendritic Cells in the Pathogenesis of Periodontitis.
Karim El Kholy – Inflammation and Periodontal Regeneration

The AAP Foundation is proud to showcase the talent that AAP Foundation award recipients bring to the specialty through Future Horizons in Periodontology, a dynamic session focused around the theme of periodontal regeneration. Three AAP Foundation award recipients will discuss their leading-edge research, demonstrating the effect your investment in them will have on how periodontology is practiced tomorrow.

Educational Objectives:
• Explain the implications of the intraoral microbial and inflammatory burden in regenerative therapy.
• Highlight the development of future therapeutic strategies.
• Discuss the role of inflammation on peri-implant regeneration.

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