Go Mobile: 15 Reasons You Need Mobile Marketing Now


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Las Vegas Convention Center, South 229

Format: Tech Hub Session
Level of Content: Intermediate
Track: Sales, Marketing & Customer Focus
Continuing Education: NAHB - 1.00 CE hour(s), NKBA - 0.1 CEU(s)
Appropriate for: Multifamily Builders & Developers, Sales & Marketing Professionals, Single Family - All

Jimmy Diffee, CSP, The Bokka Group, Denver, CO
Troy Reierson, Zillow, Seattle, WA

What It’s About:
It is projected that in 2015, more people will use a mobile device to access the internet than a traditional computer. So why do most companies approach mobile from a desktop perspective? This interactive session will reveal new ways to "go mobile" and why you shouldn't wait to tap into the newest generation of buyers. Step-by-step guidelines will be presented for creating successful mobile marketing campaigns, and you will see examples of common mistakes to avoid. Topics include: advertising to mobile devices, how mobile is changing social media, optimizing your online presence for mobile users and mobile search engine marketing. See what top builders are doing to take advantage of this marketing revolution and how you can, too.

What You'll Learn:
Find out why mobile is something your company can't afford to ignore.
See how mobile is changing the way we do business and learn mobile strategies that fit into your existing marketing and sales programs.
Discover new trends in mobile marketing and how to apply them for builders of any size.
Get key mobile stats that will give your team fuel to "go mobile" immediately.

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