Immediate Versus Delayed Implant Loading: Point-CounterPoint

Sunday Session
Endosseous implants have provided clinicians with highly predictable solutions to patient problems. The paradigms originally associated with implant placement and subsequent restoration have evolved considerably over the past several decades due to the expanding body of evidence-based information that has been assembled. What was once an “operating room” environment procedure with wait periods of up to six months for commencing the restorative phase is now being accomplished in a day! The decision is no longer whether or not to place an implant to solve the treatment dilemma at hand, but rather how soon it should be placed into function. Meeting the challenge of our patients’ busy schedules is a burden often placed on clinicians and one which must be factored into this decision-making process. This dilemma of time-to-load will be debated by our two speakers. This thought provoking session will touch on immediate versus delayed loading for single and multiple implants, the maxillary and mandibular arches and anterior and posterior locations. When should one load an implant?
Product speakers