Is There a Doctor on Board? Preparing for Airline Medical Events and Emergencies

1 Hour
SKU: 17ACOEM-321

CME/MOC: 1.0
TRACK: Regulatory, Legal, Military, and Governmental OEM

Robert Orford, MD, CM, MS, MPH, FACP, FACOEM, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ

There were 3.5 billion airline passengers in 2015, with 3-6 reported medical events and emergencies per 1,000 passengers daily. Physicians or other medically trained personnel on board are frequently asked to assist when a medical event occurs, but often have little knowledge of what resources are available to them, and what they should do. Aircrafts carry first-aid kits and expanded medical kits in addition to automated external defibrillators. Ground-based medical support from the airline medical department or from a contracted in-flight emergency medical service is also normally readily available. In addition to providing assistance for passengers in-flight, occupational health professionals should be prepared to offer preventive advice to traveling employees and patients. The Aerospace Medical Association’s Medical Guidelines for Airline Travel will be discussed. Practical advice on how to prepare for and respond to medical events on board an aircraft will be provided.

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