Leveraging Design/Build to Set Yourself Apart From the Crowd


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Las Vegas Convention Center, South 231, Level II
Track: Custom Building
Continuing Education: NAHB – 1 hour
Level: Intermediate

Design-Build presents a unique opportunity to tap a high-potential, under-served market and command higher prices. While not for everyone, builders and remodelers committed to excellence, and willing to do the hard work up front, will not only differentiate
their companies from the competition, but position themselves as the go-to source for packaged high-end services that few can deliver and many desire. This session will share the secrets of a successful Design-Build initiative and provide you with a clear understanding of how this powerful marketing tool can
be leveraged to reach the right audience, produce successful outcomes on both sides, and generate a self-sustaining referral base.

Fred Reikowsky, Legacy Business Leaders LLC, Canton, OH

Product speakers