New Developments in Listening Test Design


Brecht De Man, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK

Jan Berg, Luleå University of Technology - Piteå, Sweden
Jürgen Herre, International Audio Laboratories Erlangen - Erlangen, Germany; Fraunhofer IIS - Erlangen, Germany
Todd Welti, Harman International Inc. - Northridge, CA, USA

Listening tests are a key component in a wide range of audio research and development, from loudspeaker construction over source separation algorithms to emotion in music. New graphical user interfaces, transducer virtualization, and online tests have helped make the once tedious and expensive practice of perceptual evaluation of audio more accessible and efficient. However, these developments each bring their own challenges. Furthermore, while topics like audio codec design have an established set of practices, other types of evaluation are only slowly being standardized, if at all, or borrow from neigboring fields. In this workshop, some of the field's most prominent experts contribute different perspectives on advancements in the area of perceptual evaluation of audio, and offer their view on its future.

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