Research Laboratory Biohazard Exposure Management

3 Hours 12 Minutes
SKU: 17ACOEM-104

CME/MOC: 3.0
TRACK: OEM Clinical Practice

Amy Behrman, MD, FACOEM, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Roger M. Belcourt, MD, MPH, FACOEM, University of California, Davis, CA
T. Warner Hudson, MD, FACOEM, FAAFP, UCLA Health System and Campus, Los Angeles, CA
Robert E. Kosnik, MD, DIH, University of California, San Francisco, CA
Tom Winters, MD, FACOEM, Occupational Environmental Health Network, Marlborough, MA

Research laboratory workers risk exposure to a range of viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens. These agents are often zoonotic and increasingly involve viral vector constructs with oncogenic as well as infectious disease potential. This case-based session will address exposure prevention, counseling, surveillance, and post-exposure management for a range of laboratory pathogens including Lentivirus vectors, Herpes B virus, Q fever, Brucella, pox viruses, Burkholderia, toxoplasmosis, and Meningococcus. Occupational medicine physician roles in developing and executing treatment protocols, collaborating with researchers and veterinary staff, and participating on institutional biosafety committees will be reviewed. This session was organized by the Medical Center Occupational Health Special Interest Section.