Respositioning Land Plans for a New Frontier


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Las Vegas Convention Center, South 232, Level II
Track: Community Design & Development
Continuing Education: NAHB – 1 hour, AIA – 1 LU hour
Level: Advanced

The housing downturn left many approved land plans with higher densities than the land values now support. This session will address the difficult challenges, both from the builder/developer and associates’ perspective, associated with revisiting completed
entitlements. It will also explore how new land plans and home typologies can retain unit counts, satisfy the needs of a jurisdiction and provide homes that builders and home buyers are seeking.

Donald Ruthoff, AIA, Dahlin Group Architecture Planning, Pleasanton, CA

Pat Costanzo, Regent Properties, Los Angeles, CA
Lauri Moffet-Fehlberg, Dahlin Group Architecture Planning, Pleasanton, CA
Tom Morton, Carma, Englewood, CO