Simply the Best: Top Practices of Today's Leading Remodelers


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Las Vegas Convention Center, North 258, Level II
Track: Remodeling
Continuing Education: NAHB – 1 hour
Level: Intermediate

Join a candid conversation on the most important topics that remodeling professionals deal with every day. In this session, you’ll learn how a panel of seasoned professionals, including the 2013 NAHB Remodeler of the Year, have adapted to the changes in the remodeling industry. Gain insights from their experiences as they compare notes and share strategies that have helped them fine-tune nearly every aspect of their companies from estimating and pricing to design and construction. The NAHB Remodeler
of the Year will identify the 10 best practices that helped his company succeed. After this session, you’ll be armed with a fresh perspective on how to maximize your profit margins and grow your business.

Laurie Banyay, Qualified Remodeler, Arlington Heights, IL

Joseph Irons, CAPS, CGR, CGP, GMB, Irons Brothers Contruction, Inc., Shoreline, WA
Tim Shigley, CGR, CGP, GMB, Irons Brothers Contruction, Inc., Shoreline, WA
Tim Swafford, CAPS, CGR, CGP, Swafford Construction, Chattanooga, TN

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