The Challenge of Anterior Implants

1 Hour 15 Minutes

On Demand Session

Program Track: Implant Therapy and Prosthetic Rehabilitation

The placement and restoration of dental implants in the anterior esthetic area requires careful planning and important treatment and workflow decisions.  Is the site ideal or does it require alteration with periodontal plastic surgery to improve the gingival form?  Is it best to extract the tooth, graft the area and delay placement of the implant or place the implant immediately?  If the implant is placed immediately should an immediate provisional be placed? If a provisional restoration is placed what is the best crown contour and gingival margin placement? Throughout the process immediate or delayed how do we maintain, establish or regain the scallop of the interdental papillae?  These presentations will not only address these questions but offer insight into planning and techniques that will lead to a predictable and esthetic anterior implant

Educational Objectives:

  • Identify the risks and rewards of immediate implant placement.
  • Recognize the healing that takes place in a delayed and an immediate implant site.
  • Know how to utilize periodontal plastic surgery to improve the gingival and papillary form.
  • Realize what types of graft material are best utilized.
  • Recognize if the addition of growth factors will improve healing
  • Know the proper crown form for provisional and final restorations for the maintenance gingival tissue form and esthetics
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