The Essential Ingredients of Universal Design


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Las Vegas Convention Center, North 252, Level II
Track: Home Design
Continuing Education: NAHB – 1 hour, AIA – 1 LU hour
Level: Intermediate

One of the roadblocks builders face when designing a home that features Universal Design (UD) is balancing the must-haves with the nice-to-haves. This is particularly critical when budget is a concern or the design is not customized to one family or individual. Much confusion also exists as to the true definition of UD as it is often incorrectly identified as a synonym for accessibility. While most presentations and books focus on the theoretical rather than the practical, this session will provide a framework for not only what
researchers, but more importantly, consumers believe to be the essentials of a universally designed home. It will provide you with a checklist of features that should be included and an understanding of the positive effects of UD on life quality and design. The session
will further allow you to help your customers better understand and appreciate these benefits and determine the specific investments that make economic sense for both the short-and long-term.

Beth Tauke, University at Buffalo-SUNY, Buffalo, NY
Susanne Tauke, New American Homes, Hawthorn Woods, IL

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