The Future of Housing: Responding Creatively to Demographic & Market


8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Las Vegas Convention Center, South 220, Level II
Track: Community Design & Development
Continuing Education: NAHB – 1 hour, AIA – 1 LU hour
Level: Advanced

A number of alternatives to standard market-rate suburban housing exist but are largely unknown to builders. From “pocket neighborhoods” to duplexes, from bungalow courts to mansion apartments, several new opportunities are created by increasingly
diverse home buyer and renter profiles. By obtaining a broader understanding of these new housing models, you will be better able to capture a share of this new housing demographic. This session will introduce these new housing options and look at them from a design, development and construction perspective. It will also assess case studies in both infill and greenfield contexts and investigate opportunities for convincing local officials to plan and zone for these new and much-needed housing alternatives.

Susan Cosentini, New Earth Living, Ithaca, NY
Daniel Parolek, Opticos Design, Berkeley, CA

Product speakers