TRACK: OEM Clinical Practice
John W. Downs, MD, MPH, FACP, US Army, Fort Campbell, KY
Pertti J. Hakkinen, PhD, F-SRA, National Library of MedicineNational Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Participants will be introduced to the open access online resources available through the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) TEHIP program within NLM’s Specialized Information Services (SIS) division. Participants will become familiar with Haz-Map, an occupational health and hazards database, the Hazardous Substance Data Bank (HSDB), an exhaustive searchable database of over 5500 chemical hazards and toxicants, and the Household Products Database (HPD), a reference for the potential toxic effects of over 13,000 household consumer products. Emerging NLM TEHIP databases will also be briefly discussed. An introduction to the capabilities of each resource will be provided, and representative data searches will be conducted during the session to familiarize participants with the strengths of each database, and their potential utility in clinical OEM practice. This session was organized by the Federal and Military Occupational and Environmental Special Interest Section.