Vacuum Tube Electronics for Solid State Engineers


Applications In Audio

Scott Dorsey, Kludge Audio - Williamsburg, VA, USA
David Hill, Crane Song Inc. - Superior, WI, USA; Dave Hill Designs - Superior, WI, USA
David Josephson, Josephson Engineering, Inc. - Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Vacuum tube electronics is conceptually different than solid state devices, in part because the size of each stage requires minimizing the number of stages of electronics, in part because the high impedances involved almost always require the use of matching transformers. All of these changes have severe consequences for the designer in how circuits are laid out, how feedback is used, and in fundamental circuit and system design. Younger engineers who grew up with solid state theory would benefit from an understanding of the constraints on vacuum tube systems and the consequent decisions and compromises to be made in their design.

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