[Video] Communicating Effectively and Simply With Your Clients

Japanese Focus Session

Tuesday Session

Prospective business clients are not interested in your knowledge or information unless they are communicated with in an appealing method. Nakajima will share his “magic one-pager” designed to effectively communicate knowledge and information to highlight the prospect's issue as well as communicate the solutions. The method is efficient and transferable to your business.

Speaker Bio

Ayumu Nakajima graduated from college in April 1992 and joined a property & casualty insurance company. As an employee he was involved in business market development and training of sales reps to become professional independent agents. In April 2015, he started as a life insurance agent. His target market is businesses and owners. Currently an executive managing officer of a consulting firm. He has two children with his wife.
中島 歩夢は1992年に大学卒業後、損害保険会社に入社。以来、法人マーケットでの営業推進および、プロ代理店を目指す営業社員の育成を中心に従事してきました。 2015年4月に生命保険募集人として活動を開始。法人マーケットをメインに取り組んでいます。 現在はコンサルティング会社の執行役員として活躍中。妻と長男、長女の4人家族。
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