Matsuda works closely with accounting firms to sell life insurance. Accounting firms are great centers of influence that can lead to prospective businesses. Are you only seeking tax solutions from accounting firms? Focusing only on tax-saving solutions may be limiting your potential. Matsuda will share a different approach to accounting firms which can improve their satisfaction and that of your clients.
Speaker Bio
Graduated in 1991 with BA in Political Science and Economics and started as a banker in a leading bank. After 14 years in the banking business, he joined Prudential Life in January 2005. Qualified to MDRT from the first year and each consecutive year to date.
"1991年に明治大学政治経済学部を卒業後、大手都市銀行に入行。14年勤務し、2005年1月にプルデンシャル生命保険株式会社に入社。初年度から連続でMDRT会員を続けています。 "