Accelerated Orthodontic Treatment via Osteoperforation

1 Hour 15 Minutes

On Demand Session

Program Track: Interdisciplinary Therapy

Orthodontic tooth movement often presents periodontal risks with manifestation of alveolar bone dehiscences, fenestrations and gingival recession. To minimize these risks pre-orthodontic bone and soft tissue augmentation procedures have been been recently developed. These three speakers will review different protocols in surgically facilitated orthodontic tooth movement therapy (SFOT) and discuss their predictability and success.

Educational Objectives:

  • Discuss interdisciplinary diagnostics and treatment planning related to surgically facilitated orthodontic treatment for patients with different types of malocclusion.
  • Describe how alveolar bone decortications and periodontal regenerative procedures can allow for wider range of tooth movements, thereby preventing alveolar bone dehiscences.
  • Review latest advances in minimally invasive surgical technique Piezocision, utilizing digital planning and navigation protocols.
Product speakers