Monday Session, 2–4 p.m.Program Track: Regeneration/Tissue EngineeringModerators: Yuichi Izumi and E. Todd ScheyerSpeakers: William Giannobile, Bradley S. McAllister, Michael K. McGuire, and Hiromasa YoshieThe ability to treat periodontal hard and soft tissue defects to save teeth or prepare sites for dental implants has been one of the cornerstones of periodontal therapy for the past quarter of a century. During this time techniques have been refined to become less invasive, more aesthetic, and predictable. Tissue engineering has provided advances in our field and the best is yet to come. This program will explore the current evidence and clinical utility for growth factors, autologous and allogeneic stem cell therapies, biologic and interactive scaffolds for periodontal bioengineering. Emerging technologies in 3D printing/bio-printing, biomaterials, and cell therapies will be highlighted.Educational Objectives:• Grasp the principles of tissue engineering including biologic scaffolds, cell therapies, growth factors, and the future of 3D printing.• Consider the range of tissue engineering products and applications.• Discuss the advantages and limitations of tissue engineering in today’s clinical practice and what may be available in the near future.• Identify the areas targeted for product development to enhance ease of use and predictable outcomes.• Review the evidence-based gold standards in the regenerative armamatarium.